We have 18 months to fix our broken media ecosystem…
In 2024, three quarters of the world’s most populous countries will hold a major election. Billions of people will be making decisions about definitive issues affecting their countries, and who will be best suited to lead them to solutions. Many of those decisions will be made against a backdrop of hate and disinformation, and narratives that deliberately target trust in democratic processes.
The global misinformation crisis has gone mainstream — its breadth and depth are far reaching and devastating in scope and as yet we have not been able to control it.
We have less than a decade to fix the climate, resolve complex geopolitical situations, and a cost of living crisis. We must clean up our media ecosystems in the next 18 months. This must start with dismantling the disinformation economy and attacking economic incentives underpinned by advertising at a global level.
Read more of my article for Euroconsumers here.