Measuring Gender Equality isn’t Enough, A Synopsis

Harriet Kingaby
2 min readApr 8, 2021

The Conscious Advertising Network was set up with a mission to ensure the ethics catches up with the technology of modern advertising. For us, this starts at leadership level, and works its way down. After three years of running the initiative with shared male and female leadership, we’ve come to value the balance and perspective different outlooks can bring to decision making.

The newly published IPA Agency Census is shocking, revealing just how much women have borne the brunt of Covid-related staff cutbacks.

No wonder half of women fear gender equality is going backwards. Yes, backwards, in 2021.

A recent Mumsnet survey paints a picture of women at breaking point, more likely to be furloughed or lose their jobs; working full time while undertaking the lion’s share of home-schooling and housework.

The consequences of this for our businesses and society will be seismic. Without the voice of women at decision-making level in business and government, essential perspective will be lost.

The innovative thinking and calculated risk-taking that will be essential to advertising’s recovery from the global pandemic will only see half of the problem, tell half of the story.

We can’t help but ask: if we had more women in positions of power, would the Mumsnet survey say something different?

In this article written with my co-chair of CAN, Jake Dubbins of Media Bounty, for Campaign, we argue for measurement of diversity; joint leadership models that ensure that women are represented at the highest levels of business; and embracing intersectionality will help future proof businesses. Read the full article here.

If you’re concerned that D&I at your business is going backwards, check out these free tools online:



Harriet Kingaby

Co-chair of the Conscious Advertising Network and climate misinformation expert at Media Bounty. Advertising, ethics, disinformation and climate change.